
QINGDAO KNNJOO MACHINE INC. is a leading enterprise in the domestic high-end shot blasting machines. Our company is committed to in the shot blasting machine, Foundry machinery, environmental protection industry ‘s R & D and

In recent years our designed and developed 22-75kw direct coupling type blast wheel and belt type blast wheel with 120KW motor are so famous in the domestic and foreign markets.The company developed the wire coil rod shot blasting
machine, wire pass through type shot blasting machine, high-speed steel bar (billet, square steel) tilting drum shot blasting machine,continuous Tumblast shot blasting machine,steel crawler type shot blasting machine through the project,
marking the company to the global shotblastin machine for high-end industrial development to a new level.Our company(the company holds 49% of the pine) have shot blasting machine production capacity of 6900 million / year. Green casting
company (company 54% stake) has launched other core machine production capacity of 3000 000 / year. As one of the Asia Pacific region leading high-end shot blasting machine, wo song company the main task is to eliminate backward blasting
technology, and the European high-end shotblastin machine synchronization technology in.2009 in October he loose the company a total investment of 270 yuan, the purchase of imported CNC machine, Germany dynamic balance, large Longmen
milling machine, machining center straight couplings And through the German TUV, France Ba, EU CE, international ISO9001 and other system certification!

In 2014, KNNJOO INC. won the "2014 central finance energy-saving key projects recycling economy and resources save major demonstration project" and "the 1st prize of national science and Technology Bureau of science and technology
innovation project".

Designers in the shot blasting machine field control and automation have rich experience in the design, can according to the site conditions and customer requirements, timely design is advanced, practical, quality excellent, the stable
operation of the products, invention and research has received a number of national patents.

Depending on "scientific and technological innovation, quality win" spirit of enterprise, "attention to detail, strive for excellence" style of work, "energy saving and environmental protection, durable and stable" products manufacturing standards, Chun nine continuous technological innovation, is committed to become shot blasting machine in the field of China's most influential energy-saving shot blasting machine brands, and strive to become world-class Shotblast cleaning machine and foundry machinery manufacturing enterprises.


Qingdao KNNJOO Machine INC. brilliant development course:


●  2011年4月公司先后通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和ISO14001环境管理体系认证;

●  2011年6月,与台湾禾松公司合作开发出伺服电机控制的智能化控制抛丸喷漆预处理系统;



●  2012年6月,成功开发出90马力的大功率直连轴抛丸器,获得德国蒂森克虏伯公司赞扬;同时开发出连续通过式履带抛丸机,打破了欧洲垄断。

●  2012年8月已通过了国家抛丸机设备质量监督检验中心有关抛丸机专家的现场验收和产品质量抽样检测,取得国家质检总局颁发的《抛丸清理机产品生产许可证》。

●  公司于2012年获得了2个两个实用新型专利和一个外观专利,2013年8月获得一个发明专利和一个实用新型专利。2014年获得实用新型专利4项。


●  2013年3月,获得产品节能认证,公司所生产的抛丸机的能效指标符合GB 19152-2009《线材通过式抛丸清理机能效限定值及能效等级》中节能价值的要求。

●  2013年开始打开空压机市场,参加行业会议,2013年10月27日第一次参加国际铸造展会

●  2013年7月,新工厂开工建设,占地2万7千平方米。



●  2014年被选入国家发改委“节能重点工程、循环经济和资源节约重大示范项目及重点工业污染治理工程2014年中央预算内投资计划(第六批)

●  2014年获得国家科技局科技创新一等奖

●  2014年敦九在台湾开设办事处。

●  2014年6月6日被工信局推选参加"第八届中小企业技术展览会"

●  2014年10月9日被工信局推选参加“第十一届中国国际中小企业博览会”

●  2014年10月15日,淳九公司欧洲代理商获得900万抛丸清理机项目订单!




●  2015年1月1日,淳九抛丸清理机出口法国、西班牙。
●  2015年11月12日,淳九控股子公司禾松机器与杭萧钢构达成占率合作协议,一举中标三千万抛丸预处理线工程。




QQ :1154607711

TEL:+86 15005326706


ADDR:Jiaonan Haibin Industry Park ,Huangdao Qingdao china

China Knnjoo is Professional Manufacturer which Specializes in Shot Blasting Machine, Sand Blasting Room in China with a Good Reputation, Products Exported to the United States and pages Germany, Japan and other countries.